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D’ALK Aesthetics aims to provide an independent, high quality beauty service. This includes consultations, assessments and aesthetic treatments such as fat dissolving injections, and other regenerative procedures.

Use of our services constitutes your understanding, agreement and acceptance of our Terms & Conditions. Your statutory consumer rights are not affected.


D’ALK AESTHETICS patients can be seen as self-referrals, which is the most common route, or can be referred by another healthcare professional. Appointments need to be booked in advance.

In addition to the consent form, the following Terms & Conditions will apply to your undergoing a non-surgical procedure with D’ALK Aesthetics. Together, they form the entire agreement.  No statement of representations form part of the agreement unless they are written into these Terms & Conditions.

Failure of either party to insist upon strict performance of any provision of this or any agreement, or the failure of any party to exercise any right or remedy to which it, he or they are entitled to, shall not constitute a waiver thereof and shall not cause a diminution of the obligations under this agreement. No waiver of the provisions of this or any agreement will be effective unless it is expressly stated to be such and signed by both parties.



All patients are requested to provide contact details, including address, telephone number, email address and date of birth in order to secure an appointment.

All patients will be asked to complete a medical history form before or during their first appointment. This is necessary to inform the consultation and treatment planning process. Please disclose all medical conditions and medication you are taking, as this may affect the treatment type you receive. There are certain medical conditions which could affect your healing response or for which particular treatment types are absolutely contraindicated. In most cases, a photograph or video will be taken for your medical records, which is a necessary part of the consultation and without it, no treatment can take place.

All information will be treated as confidential and is protected in accordance with General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) legislation.

You will not receive unsolicited information from the clinic unless you opt in. You may choose to remove yourself from our mailing list at any time if you unsubscribe.

All marketing/advertising is intended solely for the United Kingdom. You are responsible for evaluating the fitness for a particular purpose of any downloads, programmes and text available through our website. We do not warrant that the service from our website will be uninterrupted, timely or error free, although it is provided to the best ability. By using this service, you thereby indemnify this company, its employees, agents and affiliates against any loss or damage in whatever manner, however caused.



Please call 01322 912 041 for appointments and enquiries.

D’ALK Aesthetics’s cancellation policy applies to all appointments which are cancelled or rescheduled with less than 48 hours’ notice. All such cancellations or rescheduling will incur a cancellation fee of £50. This charge will be levied against the prepayment taken at the time of booking and where a prepayment has not been made no further appointments will be arranged until the cancellation charge has been settled. Patients are asked to sign a consent to agree to this policy prior to attending appointments. This will apply for virtual and face to face in clinic appointments.

This payment ensures D’ALK Aesthetics partly covers costs such as the rent or mortgage, salaries, insurance and other associated costs, when patients are unable to attend and are unable to provide sufficient notice. We appreciate that often circumstances arise which are totally beyond our patients control and that through no fault of their own appointments will inevitably need to be cancelled at late notice but to be consistent and fair to all of our patients once your appointment is confirmed and you are in receipt of your confirmation, patients assume the responsibility of ensuring attendance. Failure to attend appointments will result in a charge of £50, regardless of the reason behind it. Until paid and you are in receipt of confirmation, appointments are subject to availability.



Packages are refundable in full if greater than 48 hours’ notice is given up until the first appointment. Within 48 hours, if rescheduling is necessary, a charge of £50 will apply in-line with our Appointment Cancellation and Non-Attendance Policy as detailed above and will need to be paid before the appointment can be rescheduled.

Cancelling your package entirely within 48 hours of the first appointment will allow for a refund of the package minus the £50 late cancellation charge.
If you wish to cancel the remainder of your package the number of treatments administered will be charged at the full individual price with the remainder of package payment being refunded. If this notice is given less than 48 hours prior to an appointment, £50 will be deducted from the refund amount as per the policy above.

If you choose to undergo treatment within 3 months of the initial consultation, the prepayment is redeemable against your treatment costs. You may choose for the appointment prepayment to be retained on your file for future appointments, paying the balance of treatment in full on checking-out.

To ensure all patients receive a timely service, if you are more than 10 minutes late without notice, we reserve the right to cancel the appointment and your prepayment will be retained.

Please do not attend the clinic if you are unwell. If you are unsure, please call and discuss. Some treatments are contraindicated if you are unwell; this includes colds, cold sores or local skin infections.

Routine review appointments may be offered following treatment with botulinum toxin. These appointments must be made within a maximum of four weeks of the original appointment and should ideally be within two weeks. If you are unable to attend within this timeframe, it may be extended at the doctor’s discretion by prior arrangement only.

New patients are seen for consultation and assessment. In order to comply with recent General Medical Council guidelines, in exceptional circumstances only, certain treatments may be carried out on the day of consultation at the agreement of the patient and the doctor. More invasive treatments must be scheduled for an appointment at a later date.

D’ALK Aesthetics is committed to providing a safe, comfortable environment where the patients and staff can be confident that best practice is being followed at all times and the safety of everyone is of paramount importance. All patients are entitled to have a chaperone present for any consultation, examination or procedure.  In some cases, during the consultation, I will offer to provide a chaperone. If the patient declines the offer of a chaperone, this will be recorded in the patient’s medical records.



The clinic is located on the ground floor and has a lift accessible for patients in a wheelchair with suitable bathroom facilities.



The clinic does not treat children or young adults under the age of 16. If a person aged 16-18 wishes to undergo a treatment and the doctor deems that this person has the capacity to consent and treatment is appropriate, then treatment may be provided in exceptional circumstances if clinically indicated.



We are a private medical clinic, and our services are not covered by the NHS or private medical insurance. This is the confirmed treatment price quoted following your consultation and that is agreed with you before the treatment starts. Treatment fees vary according to procedure type plus degree and complexity of the treatment required. It does not include any separate consultation fee. There is no VAT payable on medical procedures. You will be advised of the full costs of any treatment plan proposed and agreed before any treatment is undertaken. Please note that medication is not included in our fees. Please also note that blood tests and other lab analysis will incur an additional charge. Please contact us to obtain a complete price list.

The price will include the following: your procedure on the day of treatment, doctor’s fee, up to three follow-up appointments which the doctor deems the treatment has necessitated, plus any adjustment necessary following botulinum toxin treatment when purchasing a “per area” treatment. Adjustment appointments must be made within four weeks of the original procedure.

The price excludes other recommended additional screening procedures performed at another centre e.g., investigation of excessive bruising. The price excludes personal expenses such as travel costs, meals, accommodation, parking, congestion charges and telephone calls.

Our terms are payment in full directly after your appointment in the clinic. We accept cash or major credit and debit cards (including American Express). All good remain the property of the company until paid for in full. Should we not receive payment within ten working days after the consultation or treatment, we reserve the right to forward this matter to our solicitors, which will incur an administration charge of £350. Monies outstanding after the date of consultation or treatment will incur interest at the rate of 4% above the prevailing Bank of England’s base rate on the outstanding balance until such time as the balance is paid in full and final settlement is achieved. We also reserve the right to seek recovery of any monies remaining unpaid 30 days from the date of the consultation or treatment via collection agencies or through the small claims court. In such circumstances, you will be liable for any additional administrative or court costs. We do not routinely accept cheques. In the event of an exception, please note that returned cheques will incur an £50 administration charge. In the instance of a second returned cheque, we reserve the right to terminate any arrangements and insist on cash transactions only. All bookings or transactions and agreements entered into will cease with immediate effect until such time as all outstanding monies are paid in full.

Fees are charged for carrying out the procedure, not for the end results, which can and do vary between patients. Some patients require more treatments than others to reach a similar end point.



The results of any procedure cannot be guaranteed with absolute certainty, but the doctor will strive to ensure the highest quality outcome in all situations.

The doctor reserves the absolute right to refuse to offer the procedure as well as the right to cancel it, based upon their professional assessment. No refund of incurred expenses will be made in this situation such as travel costs, meals, accommodation, parking, congestion charges and telephone calls.



Depending on the procedure you have selected, there will be certain post-operative instructions that you will be required to follow in order to aid the recovery process. These will be made clear to you either verbally or in writing at your consultation, on the day of treatment or during the scheduled post-operative period and include communication by email or telephone. It is your responsibility to comply with these requirements. The doctor cannot accept any responsibility for your post-procedure condition in the event that these conditions are not adhered to.

By going ahead with the procedure, you agree to not hold D’ALK Aesthetics or any of its employees responsible to any adverse reaction, failure or shortcoming of the procedure.

Please note that you might not see the same practitioner at every visit. Your practitioner will, however, be able to view your complete past history with us in order to ensure continuity of care.



Following a consultation where you may require post-consultation advice, please contact reception during office hours. Should you require urgent medical help, please contact the emergency services immediately.



Fees charged for treatment are for the delivery of a treatment and the accompanying service, which is inclusive of consultation and assessment, provision of information and advice, safe treatment with evidence-based products, follow-up appointments and aftercare advice and support as appropriate. If a course of several treatments has been booked and paid for and the patient decides not to complete all the treatments, no refund will be offered.

Whilst we undertake to provide excellent service, factual, honest and ethical advice, and safe and responsible treatment, we cannot guarantee your results and cannot offer refunds if the results achieved fail to meet your expectations.



Any feedback is much appreciated, both positive and negative. Patient satisfaction surveys are carried out regularly and feedback is used to improve our quality of service. The survey is in the form of a satisfaction questionnaire and is available for all patients to complete at any time. A copy of the results of the satisfaction survey are available upon request. You may also submit feedback verbally, via email, via the clinical staff or by letter.



Your personal information is held securely and may be shared with third parties such as pharmacies, payment systems or suppliers but will not be sold or shared to other businesses or organisations for marketing purposes. You can amend your marketing preferences and how your data is used internally at any time.



The clinic will not be responsible to you for any loss arising from these Terms & Conditions and the clinic’s total liability under this agreement will not exceed the fee paid by you to the clinic.

This does not limit D’ALK Aesthetics’ responsibility for those things that the law says cannot be excluded (e.g. death, personal injury caused by our negligence and fraud).



If you have a complaint, please inform us as soon as possible. We recognise that there may be occasions where you may wish to complain about an aspect of the service provided. An appointment will be made for you to be seen. A copy of our complaint’s procedure is available upon request. 



The contents of D’ALK Aesthetics website and social media streams such as text, graphics, images are for information only. The content is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified healthcare provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition. Do not disregard or delay seeking a medical opinion because of something you have seen on D’ALK Aesthetics website or social media streams.

If you think you may have a medical emergency, call 999 immediately. D’ALK Aesthetics does not endorse or recommend specific tests, physicians, products, procedures, opinions or other information that may be mentioned on the website or on the social media streams. Reliance on any information provided by D’ALK Aesthetics website or social media streams is solely at your own risk.

Under no circumstances will we be liable for any loss or damage including damage to health or appearance caused by a reader’s reliance on information obtained through our website, from third parties or from a linked website, or a reader’s reliance on any product or service obtained from us or a third party. Use of this website is at a user’s sole risk. No information obtained by you from this website or through email shall create any warranty.

The website may contain health or medical related materials that are sexually explicit. If you find these materials offensive, you may not want to use this website.



The website and social media streams of D’ALK Aesthetics and all of their contents, features, and functionality are owned by D’ALK Aesthetics and are protected by United Kingdom and international copyright, trademark and other intellectual property rights laws.

These terms of use grant you a personal, non-exclusive, non-transferable, revocable license to access and use the website or social media stream.

You may access the material on the website only for your own personal, non-commercial use. You must not reproduce, distribute, modify, create derivative works of, publicly display, publicly perform, republish, download, store or transmit any of the material on our website or social media streams except as incidental to normal web browsing such as the making of temporary copies in the cache of your internet browser, and for features of the sites which enable sharing via email, social media or other platforms expressly enabled by the websites.

You must not; modify copies of any materials from the website; use any illustrations, photographs, video or audio sequences or any graphics separately from the accompanying text; delete or alter any copyright, trademark or other proprietary rights notices from copies or materials from the website. Any use of the website or social media streams not expressly permitted by these Terms & Conditions is a breach of these Terms of Use and may violate copyright, trademark and other laws.

We may revise these terms from time to time. Your continued use of the website will signify your acceptance of any adjustment to these terms. If there are any changes to our privacy policy, we will announce these changes in the Terms & Conditions or on other key pages on our website. You are therefore advised to reread this statement on a regular basis.



If you have any questions regarding these Terms & Conditions, please contact D’ALK Aesthetics on



Contact information can be found on the contact page of our website or via company literature. D’ALK Aesthetics, is a sole trader.



D’ALK Aesthetics may assign, transfer, charge or sub-contract its rights and obligations under this agreement without prior notice.

Changes to these Terms & Conditions are only binding if they are agreed in writing and signed by you and us.

In the event of a dispute between the you and D’ALK Aesthetics, the parties will use their best efforts to negotiate in good faith and settle any dispute that has arisen.

If any dispute cannot be settled amicably through negotiations, either of us may propose to the other that structured negotiations be entered into with the assistance of a fully accredited mediator before resorting to litigation.

These Terms & Conditions are governed by the laws of England and Wales, and the courts of England and Wales will have the exclusive right to deal with any dispute arising from it.

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